trail Frequently asked questions:

How long are the trails?
10 miles of trail are open for public use.
Phase 3 will have 10 additional miles for a total of 20 miles.

Can I drive my vehicle on the trail?

Can I park anywhere?
No. Please park in designated areas only.

Can I bring my dog?
Yes! Please keep them leashed at all times.

Can I ride horses on the trail?

Can I ride the trails at night?
No. Night riding is only allowed during scheduled, special events.

Do I have to wear protective gear?
Yes. Always wear a helmet and appropriate safety gear.

Can I leave the trails during my hike/ride?
No. Please stay on marked trails at all times.

Can I take a motorized or pedal-assisted vehicle on the trails?
Pedal assisted or electric bicycles are welcome.

A hiker is on the bike trail and I’m biking the correct direction. What do I do?
Always yield to hikers.
Kindly remind them if the trail is clearly signed for bike travel.

I am riding my bike downhill, but another biker is coming uphill. What do I do?
Always yield to riders headed uphill whenever you are riding downhill.
Kindly remind them if the trail is clearly signed for one-way or downhill only traffic.

Can I take risks and put my life and others’ lives in danger?
Always ride to your ability level.
Make every pass a safe and courteous one.

Can I wear headphones while hiking or biking?
No. Headphones are not allowed while hiking or biking.

Can I stop and hang out in the middle of the trail?
No. Keep the trail clear.
If you must stop, safely move out of the way of other riders.

Can I leave trash lying around?
No. Please practice “Leave No Trace” philosophy.
Pack out what you pack in.

If I find something cool, can I take it home with me?
We ask that you take only pictures, leave only footprints, and leave what you find.

Is there private property to stay away from?
Yes. Always respect private property.
Clear signage will be posted.

Will there be drinking water along the trail?
No. Pack food and water.
Water from creeks MUST be treated or filtered.

Can I camp?
No. Overnight camping is not allowed

Can I make a fire?
No. Fires are not allowed.